p1geon's super cool and awesome website!

hey, welcome to my website! i usually go by p1geon (sometimes wetpeeker) on the internet.

note this page is not mobile or resize friendly or accessible in fact it is probably "evil" so sorry about that

i'm a 22 year old from canada studying computer science, i enjoy playing video games, programming, and looking at cats on the internet.
some other stuff im interested in are: blogging, video editing, and learning to play poker+chess.
admittedly i haven't had much time to dedicate to the above, i've been busy trying to secure employment after grad.
for more cool stuff about me check out my about page, and for boring stuff about me you can check out my "left-brain" website here.

first official current status on this page ^_^, consider yourself part of the cool kids club for reading this
i'm currently in my last year of school before graduating, working hard to get a job full time at my internships
if you've seen this page since it's conception until this update, expect a blog post about the last two years...

i was brought here and inspired by my friend tr1e to join and make a neocities page. i actually used to log a lot of stuff on notion, but i found it far too sterile for my liking (in the same way corporate art and modern architecture are), and so here i am making a neocities page. i see neocities as a better way to express my individuality, as well as a way to keep a public log of stuff i make/like.

if you wanna talk to me, the best ways are through discord or twitter at @wetpeeker.